About this podcast:
America’s Healthcare system is broken. We all know that much. ‘Dear Healthcare, It’s You’ is a new podcast setting out to investigate the U.S. healthcare system and its medical institutions in order to take a closer look and help the American public take a deeper look into what really goes on in the world of healthcare. The conversation in the U.S. is usually about who pays for healthcare, but we need to take the conversation further to really understand the situation if we hope for any real change. We need to talk about the healthcare you’re actually receiving — regardless of who pays — and the many, many ways it should be better than it is. Season 1 starts off with host Dr. Elisha Yaghmai’s personal experience through medical school and beyond, and the ways he discovered corruption and ill-focused practices that have leached through the entire system. In coming seasons of the podcast, we’ll be including the stories of others in the medical field as we dig into the cracks of the system and follow the threads that will help medical professionals and the general public both to better understand: What is happening in our healthcare system, why things are as they are, who is profiting from it, and what we can do to enact change to make it better. We called this podcast ‘Dear Healthcare, It’s You’ because really, this is a dear John letter. Elisha and the majority of medical professionals are frustrated with a system that no longer serves the people it’s supposed to, but their frustration is born out of a place of genuine concern and care. We’re going to be airing out some systematic dirty laundry. It’s time to clean house and get a healthier system in place to serve the people again.
Episode Transcript:
Dr. Elisha Yaghmai:
Hi, my name is Elisha Yaghmai I am a practicing Internal Medicine and Pediatric physician from Kansas. We're launching a podcast that we hope is a little bit different from what you're used to. We want you the non-medical public to understand what is actually happening with the healthcare that's being delivered to you in your own country.
There's not enough discussion going on about what you actually get for the money that you're spending and the many many ways in which it can and should be better than it is.
My experience is that I have worked in 29 hospitals across three different states. I have delivered care at every level. We're going to bring out a lot of things that many people are not going to be comfortable being brought into the light, but the purpose is to try to make the whole thing better.
We've called this podcast, Dear Healthcare, It's You. So I hope that you'll join us on a journey to learn more about your healthcare system, but also to try to find a better way.

Meet your hosts:

Dr. Elisha Yaghmai

Jo O’Hanlon